Hassel free Zone with Molly Maide | Nashville Christian Family Magazine August 2023 issue - free Christian magazine

Raising a family and working a full-time job may leave you very little time to keep your home as clean as you’d like. Looking at dusty furniture and dirty floors each day can be frustrating.  Is getting used to a messy home the only option? Not according to the cleaning pros at Molly Maid. Here are some tips and useful advice that can help keep your home tidy and clean, even if you don’t have a lot of time.

9 Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms and Dads

Instead of being irritated by the clutter in the living room, the food stuck on the counters, and the laundry piling up, it’s time to take action! Here are some great ways to keep up with the mess before it takes over your life.

1. Create a Routine

Because everyone’s schedule and family routine may be a little different, cleaning schedules for working moms and dads should be based on your family routine, work hours, and fun time. Here is an example of an effective work schedule that requires 90 minutes of cleaning and organizing a day:

Before School/Work – 30 minutes total

  • Make your bed and help children (under 10 years old) make theirs.
  • Clean all breakfast dishes and wipe down the counters.
  • Vacuum a few high-traffic areas.

After Work – 30 minutes total

  • Start a load of laundry.
  • Organize homework papers and mail
  • Clean up dinner dishes (load dishwasher) and wipe all counters

Before Bed – 30 minutes total

  • Declutter living areas and lightly dust furniture.
  • Fold and sort laundry.

2. Stock Up On Supplies in Advance

It is frustrating to get hyped up to clean your house only to discover that you are out of bathroom cleaner. Do a monthly supply inventory check of which cleaners you have and which you need to buy so when you are ready to clean, nothing will stand in your way.

3. Wash Toys With Ease

If you have young children, there are two easy ways to wash those germ-ridden toys they love. You can put all the toys in the dishwasher and wash them through a cycle. Or, wash them on a delicate cycle in the washing machine. Washing your children’s toys once a week will reduce the amount of germs they accumulate and hopefully keep them from getting sick.

4. Toss Everything in a Basket

Decluttering a household is one of the biggest challenges for a busy family. If you’re constantly in a rush and don’t have time during the day to put things in their proper place, start a mess bin. A mess bin can be used for things like shoes, socks, toys, makeup, and other things that you don’t have time to put away during the day. When things settle down, and you have more time, choose a family member to put these items into their proper place (kind of like restocking shelves). Take turns and choose a different family member for this task each time, and don’t forget to reward a job well done.

5. Put Cleaning Supplies Where You Use Them

Keep cleaning supplies where they’re needed, so you never have to cart them from room to room. For example, if you have four bathrooms in your house, you should have four bathroom cleaners, four toilet bowl cleaners, and four toilet bowl brushes. Just be sure to stow any cleaning products in child-proof cabinets. This will save you multiple trips around the house looking for the cleaner supplies you need for each room.

6. Keep a Donation Box Accessible

Most of us accumulate a lot of stuff. Kids are constantly growing out of clothes and shoes. Parents need to get rid of wardrobe items they don’t wear anymore. Instead of letting these items pile up in closets or corners of bedrooms, designate a donation box when you’re ready to purge. Once the box is full, bring it to a donation center in your community.

7. Pick Up a Few Times a Day

Here is another good cleaning tip for busy moms and dads: divide your home into three working zones and spend 10 to 15 minutes a day picking up and decluttering each zone. This creates a slow and steady decluttering process rather than a major cleanup at the end of each day that will leave you exhausted.

8. Touch Something Once

The rule is a simple one: put away what you take out. Teach your children the “one touch” rule, which is the philosophy of only touching something once before putting it away. For example, if you take crackers out of the pantry to eat, put them away as soon as you’re finished. This simple exercise avoids messes piling up in your home throughout the day.

9. Do Laundry Every Day

Keep up with the laundry by completing one load a day during the week and save your weekend time off for fun. After each load is clean and dry, don’t wait, fold it and put it away the same day. This will keep it from piling up at the end of the week.

Whether you’d like a one-time cleaning or a weekly recurring cleaning plan, our custom cleaning plans are designed to work around your schedule and budget.  Contact your local Molly Maid – 615-794-0200 or 615-603-3766, today to discuss a cleaning plan that’s right for you.  https://www.mollymaid.com/s-davidson-williamson-maury-counties/about-us/contact-us/

Ashley Farrar



A portion of Molly Maid’s sales support victims of domestic violence in the communities we serve. To date, Ms. Molly has proudly raised more than $3 million – and we are not slowing down! This non-profit organization aims to increase public awareness of domestic violence and to provide victims with support. We believe everyone deserves to feel safe in their homes. The Ms. Molly Foundation strives to empower communities to end the cycle of violence in the home. It’s our goal to help give victims of domestic violence a second chance at happiness

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